House of the Orion Sun: Mission 3

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Core World problems...

Rigel IV glistens beneath a giant, blue-white sun. Its vast surface is covered in tall cities shining like hope itself. Law enforcement protects the people. Or at least… most of the people. Because even core worlds have a seedy side.

Esper finds a home of sorts among the endangered, the unprotected, the ones that the law turns a blind eye toward. And when one of her protectees gets kidnapped, Esper will stop at nothing to bring her home. Well, almost nothing. Because Esper’s work has pushed her to the edge of a moral precipice. She’s clinging by the last of her willpower to avoid the easy path, the one that might lead her to damnation and turn her into the sort of person she’s been battling all along.

And the voice in her head keeps egging her on.

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