As the November release of Sourcethief approaches, I've been finishing up the bonus materials. All through the Twinborn Trilogy, there have been...
Completing a Trilogy
Over the weekend, I finished the manuscript for Sourcethief, the final book of the Twinborn Trilogy. It finished at a svelte 188k words (only by...
Politics: Kadrin Empire
The Kadrin Empire is the most powerful land in the world of Veydrus. Though not unchallenged in their dominance, the Kadrins have been a major...
Amateur Cartography: the Duty of the Fantasy Author
View a larger version of the map From the Shire to Mordor, the Wall to King's Landing and every journey in between, readers have been dragged hither...
Games and Why We Play Them
Games are a recurring theme in Firehurler. I used them for a number of purposes. First of all, it is a normal part of people's lives. Not all...
Keeping Time: The Calendars of Tellurak and Veydrus
Time passes, but how do we track it? Here on Earth, the English-speaking world is familiar with January through December, with varying numbers of...