New Series, New Workflow: Scrivener Ahoy!

by | Sep 2, 2014 | Checking in, Prose and Cons | 0 comments

I’ve wanted to try Scrivener for ages, but I’ve been writing a long-running series. It felt like a bad idea to make a major change to my workflow when I’d have to be converting years worth of work into a new format. So I stuck with Microsoft Word throughout the Twinborn Trilogy and The Mad Tinker Chronicles. But now I have a clean slate. I’ve finished the manuscripts for Tinker’s Justice (Book 4 of the Mad Tinker Chronicles) as well as two short stories for an anthology set in the twinborn worlds. I’ve got nothing but open road in front of me …

… or is it light-years of open space? Moving on to Black Ocean, my upcoming space fantasy, I have the opportunity to make a clean switch over to Scrivener. This ought to mean that my days of stitching together chapter files into a single document are behind me (I know I could have written as a single document, but auto-spell-check chokes over a certain size document).

So I had poked and prodded at Black Ocean before, writing a few chapter when I had spare time between books when I was ahead of schedule. I’ve now imported those few thousand words into a brand new Scrivener document in preparation for launching full-time into my new endeavor. I’m hoping that with convenient methods to keep character info, background research, and world-building info ready at hand, I’ll be able to produce a long-running series without tying myself into knots keeping the continuity flowing from book to book.

It’s time to drop into hyperspace and see what’s out there …


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